Saturday, July 6, 2013


It's that time again... and I got an early start!

Remember It's my new best friend, seriously. I scored my Organic Chemistry textbook for a sweet deal. Luckily this semester I'm light on textbooks (2 courses I'm re-taking), but HEAVY on clickers and clicker activation codes. I think I will be using three different clickers... lucky me (not).

I'll save you the other not-as-exciting textbook and go straight for the good (nerdy) stuff:
 SCIENCE. TEXTBOOKS. Are so not cheap. The Anatomy&Physiology textbook I bought my very first semester of college blew my mind. I never knew $300 books existed. Chemistry books aren't much better; the organic chemistry textbook is listed on my college's bookstore website around $165 used. I found the same textbook (used, but in good condition) online at Alibris for $55.

On a side note, my pup is sleeping next to me and she is totally snoring.. Awwweeeeeeeee =)

But anyway, that orgo textbook is my biggest Savings Score of the semester. The other textbook I needed (also ordered from I saved like $22 or so compared to the listed Used price at the campus bookstore.

Another side note: Wish me luck at my interview for a campus coordinator position! The campaign is all by, about, and for people of this generation, and not letting it go to waste via the rotting political climate; a cause I can totally get behind.

Other than that there isn't really anything too exciting happening. Although I did receive an email from the local Metro Planning Organization and some reps/advisors/people are really considering implementing a tax to drive on roads. No, really. Like five cents per mile. That you drive. Every day. The article (source) further states that if implemented, the gas tax would be eliminated. IDK, food for thought. Speak up and pass it on.

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